Fun, Amazing, Etc.

This is the official blog of indie author / adventure writer Andy R. Bunch, author of the fantasy book, "Suffering Rancor." As always, I'll post funny or amazing things I find in my travels or from poking around online. This is a great place to kick back and relax a bit. You may note that I’m not too clean or too dirty. For more information on my book, go to Here are links to first two books and

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Update on coming events!

Well, this is working. I've never been successful at journaling before...I mean I do it, but it takes me more than a decade to fill a small note book. I can't stop myself from sorting my thoughts and keeping a journal for this and another for that, and I just don't enjoy doing it very often. BUT I love tracking progress, so updating this blog has become a fun way to externally process and record my plans and efforts. That's the upside--the down side is that progress on my projects has slowed. I'm playing catch up from my trip, yes, but really my birthday through me off. Not emotionally, but just sluggishness. Once I give myself permission to be lazy for a day, about half the time I get charged up and ready to tackle life again and the other half I just get more lazy. I'm not crippled with guilt mind you, I've pretty much overcome crippling condemnation. I'm just aware that my output has been underwhelming. Sometimes it's like that though. Sometimes you've got 10 simple things to accomplish in a day, and then the first 3 things all take 4 times as much time and effort. Then I start pondering if I should power through even if it becomes the only thing I get done that day, or if I should back burner that and try to whip out some of the other things I need to do. There's good arguments that support either decision. David Allen would say, "Never put anything back into your inbox" but he'd also say, "as long as you've captured your items into a trusted system its okay to deffer an action until the appropriate time." Tim Ferriss would say, "a lack of time is really just a lack of priorities." So it's days like these when I set aside the 450 emails I'm behind, and the chapters I need to be editing, and the planning I should be doing for my upcoming library presentation, and the last chapter I need to read to be able to cross "the 4 hour work week," off my reading list, and instead I'm checking out a brand new coffee shop on its grand opening and processing some priorities. So far I've decided to accomplish one action item out of each of my value categories before I allow myself to check emails. So this is your official warning--if you need something from me prior to 11am each day send me a text and tell me to look for your email. Okay, Upcoming Events! Thursday, June 13th at 6:30pm I will be joining Nancy Kelley at the Three Creeks Library to talk about Indie publishing. This event will include some great how to's and we'll answer questions so bring a pen and paper to take notes. 800 NE Tenney Rd. Vancouver, WA 98685 Saturday June 15th I'll be joining another local author Lee Thompson ( at Krazy Kones in Vancouver, WA. (4903 St Johns Avenue in Vancouver, WA) starting around 11AM and going to it stops. I will personally be taking off a little early to head to another obligation (Wild Branch). I think that's my upcoming schedule. I'm looking forward to learning more about branding. I bought branding for dummies and will be reading it as soon as I catch up on email and read William Hertling's book on marketing ( For more information about what I'm reading you can friend me on Goodreads ( Finally, along the lines of branding, I'm looking for an artist who will do a logo for me inspired by this photo: not the words so much as the picture. I need a simple image that looks good color or black and white.

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